English Teaching in Southeast Asia

In collaboration with other US-based educators, I had the opportunity to travel twice Southeast Asia, visiting Thailand and Malaysia to teach English to a variety of age groups.

College students from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.
At the all-girls private school we visited in Melaka, students said they had never seen a teacher who taught actively, "Not just stand like a tree!"
Preschoolers learn English words for body parts with simple games.
College students practice English through conversation and laughter.

Da Vinci High School

Stock market

As a culmination of the Marketing 1 and 2 final projects, I created a retail Stock Market in which students could invest in each other's innovations. The more money invested in a company, the greater the rate of return. This was a big hit, especially in 11th grade, since it made peer presentations much more engaging.

M2 -Stock Market Trading Room

In another project, marketing students created a political campaign for a third party candidate for California Governor.

In order to collect more votes for their candidate, they tabled to the entire school community.

Students, teachers and other staff members had the opportunity to press the candidates, and their teams, on the finer points of their political platforms. This was a great opportunity to practice messaging and public speaking skills.